Averill, Mike–Large Water Skaters appearing in Worcestershire p. 58-59
Averil, Mike–Worcestershire Dragonfly Roundup 2022 p. 41-43
Barker, Simon–Twenty-five years of biological recording at Croome Park p. 101-108
Bingham, John–Giant Butterbur Petasites japonicus (Siebold & Zucc.) Maxim. at Sandbourne, Bewdley p. 64
Bingham, John–Some interesting invertebrate records from Worcestershire in 2022 p. 18-20
Bingham, John–Southern Oak Bush Cricket Meconema meridionale (Costa, 1860) Tettigoniidae, Orthoptera, established in Worcester p. 29
Bingham, John–Weevil Hadroplontus trimaculatus (Fabricius, 1775) Curculionidae, Coleoptera found at Dropping Well Farm, Kidderminster p. 21
Bingham, John & Bingham, Denise–Six-spotted Pot Beetle Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera found at the Devil’s Spittleful, Worcestershire p. 22
Birks, Johnny–Opinion. Time for naturalists to step up on the biggest issue of all! p. 5-6
Chandler, Sue & Morris, Janet & Layfield, Val–Noble Chafer Monitoring near Tiddesley Wood, Worcestershire, June and July 2022 p. 127-128
Falconer, Keith–Some notes on White-clawed Crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes surviving in Malvern Hills District p. 80-82
Farmer, Gary–A gathering of Ravens Corvus corax over Hipton Hill 26th August 2022 p. 60
Farmer, Gary–An initial, brief note on the discovery of Hyloniscus riparius (C. Koch, 1838) in VC37 Worcestershire, a new species of woodlouse to the UK p. 39
Farmer, Gary–An observation of a mass ‘stranding’ of Helophorus beetles, Sheriff’s Lench near Evesham 15th June 2022 p. 25
Farmer, Gary–Insects on Laburnum Laburnum anagyroides p. 33-37
Farmer, Gary–Resurrecting a ghost pond at Mill Bank Meadows p. 53-56
Farmer, Gary–Some early records of Orthoptera from Worcestershire held in the Fletcher Collection, Worcester Museum and Art Gallery p. 31
Goddard, Ann–Homes for Solitary Bees p. 38
Jennings, Des–Willow Emerald Chalcolestes viridis, the first recorded sighting in VC37 p. 50-52
Lowe, Garth–Sand Martins. A nest box p. 28
Martin, Graham–A Fly Orchid Ophrys insectifera colony nearly in Worcestershire p. 60-61
McGee, Kevin–Donacia clavipes Fabricius, 1793 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) at the Worcester & Birmingham Canal p. 17
McGee, Kevin–Golden-ringed Dragonfly Cordulegaster boltonii (Donovan, 1807) at Shakenhurst, Worcestershire p. 16
McGee, Kevin–Lestiphorus bicinctus (Rossi, 1794) and Nysson trimaculatus (Rossi, 1790) (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) at Martley, Worcestershire p. 15
McGee, Kevin–Nomada integra Brullé, 1832 (Hym., Apidae) and Andrena humilis Imhoff, 1832 (Hym., Andrenidae) at Devil’s Spittleful, Worcestershire p. 14
McGee, Kevin–Rhogogaster (Cytisogaster) chambersi Benson, 1947 at Penny Hill, Worcestershire. p. 12-13
Metcalf, Mike–Ravens Corvus corax breeding in Worcestershire – 2022 update p. 83-85
Prudden, Rob–1982 to 2022 – 40 years of birding in the beautiful Vale p. 109-119
Simpson, Tony–Times are certainly-a-changing among moth populations in Worcestershire p. 65-71
Stott, Richard–Moth Surveys on the Avon Meadows Community Wetland, Pershore p. 72-73
Taylor, Carol & Simpson, Tony & Farmer, Gary–Worcestershire Recorders Field Recording Days 2022 p. 129-130
Taylor, Patrick–Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Nostoc sp. at Lower Smite Farm p. 8
Taylor, Patrick–European Hornet Vespa crabro feeding on bumblebees at Trench Wood p. 37
Taylor, Patrick–Grey Heron Ardea cinerea with unusual prey at Upton Warren p. 85
Wadsworth, Oliver–Argolamprotes micella (Denis & Schiffermüller 1775) in Childswickham. New for VC33 East Gloucestershire p. 52
Wadsworth, Oliver–Weevils on Windmill Hill p. 32
Warr, Andy–Substantial colony of Scarce Blue-tailed Damselflies Ischnura pumilio discovered in Worcestershire p. 44-49
Watson, Will & King-Salter, Giles–Biological Survey of Swan Pool, Priory Park, Malvern p. 86-91
Westmoreland, Diana–The Worcestershire Wildlife Sightings Project p. 120-126
Westwood, Brett–Locust Blowfly Stomorhina lunulata in Worcestershire p. 23
Westwood, Brett–Paper Wasp Polistes dominula new: to Worcestershire p. 24
Westwood, Brett–Selected plant records from Burlish Meadows, Stourport-on-Seven 2021/2022 p. 62-64
Westwood, Brett–Slender Pond Snail Omphiscola glabra (Muller, 1774) in Wyre Forest p. 26-27
Westwood, Brett–The Green-fanged Tubeweb Spider Segestria florentina in Pershore and Bewdley p. 7-8
Whitehead, Paul–A Swallow Hirundo rustica L. at Birlingham , Worcestershire on 20 November 2022 p. 73
Whitehead, Paul–A tale of two cellars: invertebrate synanthropy at Dumbleton, Gloucestershire p. 92-94
Whitehead, Paul–An invertebrate coenosis inside a passive infrared motion sensor in a house at Little Comberton, Worcestershire p. 59-60
Whitehead, Paul–Diaperis boleti (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) new to Bredon Hill and the English Midlands p. 40
Whitehead, Paul–Exposures at the back of Avon No. 2 terrace at Pershore, Worcestershire p. 95-98
Whitehead, Paul–Notes on a female Chrysotoxum verralli Collin, 1940 (Diptera, Syrphidae) from Little Comberton, Worcestershire with particular reference to dichotomous keys p. 79
Whitehead, Paul–Social interactions in a megapopulation of the Bridge Spider Larinioides sclopetarius (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Araneidae) at Nafford Sluice, Birlingham, Worcestershire p. 9-11
Whitehead, Paul–The aphid Panaphis juglandis (Goeze, 1778) (Hemiptera, Aphididae) using Ivy Hedera helix L. as a population refugium at Birlingham, Worcestershire p. 30
Whitehead, Paul–Two remarkable stone artefacts from Little Comberton, Worcestershire p. 99-100
Winnall, Rosemary–Delving in the dung p. 74-77
Winnall, Rosemary–Ice ribbons in January 2022 p. 78
Winnall, Rosemary–Southern Oak Bush Cricket Meconema meridionale and other rubbish bin surprises in Bewdley p. 29-30
Winnall, Rosemary–Stoat swimming across the River Sever p. 57