Subscription £24.00 per calendar year (£17.50 for full time students) payable by Bank Transfer to:

Worcestershire Recorders Lloyds Bank account
Sort code: 30-91-36
Account no: 01324581

Alternatively, send a cheque made payable to Worcestershire Recorders
Download a copy of this form to our Treasurer:
Mr R Gillmor, 20 Loughmill Road, Pershore, WR10 1QB.
Please write clearly in block capitals.

    Payment by*

    Worcestershire Recorders

    Recording nature in Worcestershire

    Worcestershire Recorders is a society for all naturalists interested in observing, recording and studying natural history in Worcestershire.

    Worcestershire Recorders work closely with the Worcestershire Biological Records Centre (WBRC). Species Records collected by Worcestershire Recorders are added to the WBRC database.

    Biological recording:

    • Increases understanding.
    • Increases knowledge and records information for the future.
    • Satisfies our curiosity and is endlessly fascinating and enjoyable.

    Helps to provide:

    • Constantly updated accurate knowledge of Worcestershire’s wildlife.
    • Important information for wildlife conservation and of protected species.
    • Important information for assessing planning and development projects and for land management.
    • Information for monitoring the effects of climate change and human activity on wildlife.

    What do you get when you join?

    • The journal and newsletter Worcestershire Record twice a year: A4, 60-100 pages each issue, colour
      illustrations, notes and papers on all aspects of nature in Worcestershire. You can contribute if you
      wish. It acts as a communication channel across all interests.
    • An opportunity to attend an annual meeting with presentations by national and local speakers.
    • An opportunity to attend six organised recording field days each summer.
    • Your records are preserved and used.
    • Contact with like-minded people.

    For more information:

    Join now

    • Subscription £24.00 per calendar year (£17.50 for full time students)
    • Payable by Bank Transfer to:
      Worcestershire Recorders Lloyds Bank
      Sort code 30-91-36
      Account no. 01324581
    • Downlaod and fill in the Membership Form below and email to our Treasurer at
    • Write a cheque made payable to Worcestershire Recorders
    • Download and fill in the Membership Form below and send, along with your cheque, to our Treasurer:
      Mr R Gillmor, 20 Loughmill Road, Pershore, WR10 1QB.