Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.26 April 2009


p.  3      Worcestershire Entomology Day
p.  3      Field Recording Days 2009
p.  4      Field Recording days – Feckenham Wylde Moor
p.  4      Worcestershire Record on the web
p.  5      Field Recording days. Notes on sending data to WBRC.
p.  6      Worcestershire Recorders Committee: Chairman’s Report 2008-09 Geoff Trevis
p.  6      Worcestershire Biological Records Centre: Manager’s Report 2008-09. Simon Wood
p.  6      Election results Annual Meeting March 2009.
p.   7      Annual Meeting 14th March 2009. Presentations: TIMES THEY ARE A’CHANGIN’
pp. 7-8   Introduction and new arrivals. Brett Westwood
p.   8      Which will be the next Orthoptera to hop across the border into Worcestershire? Gary Farmer
pp. 9-11   Butterflies and climate change. Mike Williams
pp. 11-13  Times they are a’changin’ – bees and wasps. Geoff Trevis
pp. 13-14  Spiders, a harvestman, and Homoptera. John Partridge
pp. 14-15  New oak galls in Worcestershire. John Meiklejohn
pp. 15-17  Fungal changes in Worcestershire. John Bingham
pp. 17-19  Increasing plants. Bert Reid
pp. 19-21 Two slugs and two snails. Brett Westwood & Harry Green
p.  21      Ravens and Cedar of Lebanon. Harry Green
pp. 22-23 The BTO Distribution Atlases. Harry Green
pp. 23-26 Changes in moth fauna of the county since 2004. Tony Simpson
p.   26     STOP PRESS – Bombus hypnorum seen in Edgbaston by Andrew Curran
p.   27     Take part in a snail evolution study.
pp. 28-30 Knapped glass from the Bredon Hill area of Worcestershire. Paul Whitehead
p.   30     Frog Rana temporaria L 1758 spawning terrestrially. Paul Whitehead
p.   30     Alert for Cybister lateralimarginalis
p.   31     Tachina ursina Meigen 1824 (local) in Wyre Forest. John Bingham
p.   31     Longhorn beetle Pyrrhidium sanguineum literally coming out of the woodwork. Roger Umpelby
pp. 32-33 Into the second year of the new UK Dragonfly Atlas. Mike Averill
p.  34      Hornet Stories
p.  35      Jackdaws and walnuts. David Cunliffe
p.  35      Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus  Shrawley Wood, Worcestershire CORRECTION. Ross Piper. Corrected on web version of article.
p.  36      The large timberworm beetle Hylecoerus dermestoides in Shrawley Wood. Ross Piper
pp. 37-38 Otters in Kidderminster. Rosemary Winnall
p.   39     Spotted flycatchers – can you help? John Clarke
pp. 40-42 How many male corn buntings Emberiza calandra holding territory at Wick Grange Farm and Glenmore Farm in 2008? Steve Davies
pp. 43-44 Winter farmland bird counts at Wick Grange Farm and Glenmore Farm in 2007-2008. A tale of two methods. Steve Davies
pp. 44-45 Winter farmland bird counts at Wick Grange Farm and Glenmore Farm in 2008-2009. Steve Davies & Peter Holmes
pp. 45-46  Some breeding locations of Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra in Worcestershire. Steve Davies
p.   46      A few notes on song posts used by male corn buntings at Wick Grange Farm and Glenmore Farm. Steve Davies
p.   47      Birds in Worcestershire November 2008-April 2009. Gavin Peplow
p.   48      Kemerton Cuttings. John Clarke
pp. 48-56  Notes on birds of the Severn and Avon Vale, Gloucestershire and south Worcestershire June to September 2008. Mike Smart