Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.30 April 2011

1 Arnold Danny A Teme Valley moth-ing update
2 Arnold Danny Note on Pauper Pug Moth Eupithecia egenaria
3 Averill Mike Worcestershire and the new Dragonfly Atlas of England, Wales & Scotland
4 Briggs Jonathan Mistletoe and mistletoe insects, overview and observations from 2010
5 Clarke John Great-crested Grebe nest sailing
6 Curran Andrew Box Bug Gonocerus acuteangulatus in Edgbaston
7 Green David M. Dinoptera collaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) specimens at Worcester Museum
8 Green David M. The identification of specimens and cataloguing of Worcester Museum Coleoptera (beetle) collection (update June 2011)
9 Green Harry Adomerus biguttatus ( = Sehirus biguttatus), the Cow-wheat Shieldbug re-found in Worcestershire
10 Green Harry Buzzard stories
11 Green Harry Hornet stories: Hornets stripping bark and also catching fly; Hornet nest in cordwood near Tiddesley wood and in old nest box
12 Green Harry New species [in Africa] for a Worcestershire recorder [Will Watson]
13 Hitchcock James Bechstein’s Bat – the national survey comes to Worcestershire
14 Lowe Garth Harsh winter for wrens
15 Meiklejohn John Striking red and black bugs (Hemiptera – Heteroptera) in Worcestershire
16 Muggleton Wade The Terrapins of Worcestershire County Hall
17 Peplow Gavin Birds in Worcestershire – November 2010 to April 2011
18 Robinson John Smooth x palmate newt hybrid in a Wyre Forest garden pond
19 Simpson Tony New online Worcestershire moth recorder information including up to date list of species and recording advice
20 Skirrow Martin Dotted beefly Bombylius discolor in southwest Worcestershire
21 Smart. Mike Notes on birds in the Severn and Avon Vales (the “Severn Hams”), Gloucestershire and south Worcestershire, October–December 2010
22 Smart Mike Notes on birds in the Severn and Avon Vales (the “Severn Hams”), Gloucestershire and south Worcestershire, January 2011–March 2011
23 Smith Justin Fungus forays at Monkwood Nature Reserve, near Hallow, Worcestershire
24 Tilt John Worcestershire butterfly transects
25 Turner Mark E Stone the crows, what’s coming next? Carrion Crow breaking walnuts
26 Turner Mark E Unrest in the ranks between Kestrel and Sparrowhawk
27 Turner Mark E Who killed the Manxie?
28 Westwood Brett Chetostoma curvinerve – a second record for VC37, Worcestershire
29 Westwood Brett Dotted beefly Bombylius discolor in west Worcestershire
30 Whitehead P. F. An assemblage of 300 House Martins at Broadway, Worcestershire
31 Whitehead P.F. Aerial inter-relationships between four species of raptor at Winchcombe, Gloucestershire (VC33 SP 03 107M O.D.)
32 Whitehead P.F. An extreme beak aberration in a Jackdaw Corvus monedula L., 1758, from Broadway, Worcestershire
33 Whitehead P.F. Grey Squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis Gmelin) debarking a mature coast redwood (Sequioa sempervirens Endlicher) in Evesham town, Worcestershire during the 2010-2011 winter
34 Whitehead P.F. The stoat Mustela erminea L. as a historic predator in Worcestershire
35 Williams Mike Where next for the Brown Hairstreak Thecla betulae?
36 Winnall Rosemary Waxcap fungi near Stourbridge