Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.27 November 2009

p.  2     Preparing an article for Worcestershire Record
p.  3     Editor’s notes Harry Green
p.  3     ANNUAL MEETING 2010
p.  3     Worcestershire Biological Records Centre: Manager’s Report November 2009. Simon Wood
p.  4     Annual subscriptions 2010
p.  4     Field Recording Days 2010
pp.  4-5 Worcestershire Ancient Trees
p.  5     Worcestershire Mammal Atlas
p.  5     The Girdled snail Hygromia cinctella
p.  6      Worcestershire Bryophyte Group outings 2010
p.  6      Border Bryologists Programme 2010
p.  6      A WBRC Mini-Newsletter John Partridge
p.  6      Using the NBN Gateway for species information. John Partridge
pp. 7-12 An account of the uncommon insects I have recorded at Mill Meadow/Mill Rough complex since 1996. Kevin McGee
pp.12-13 Butterflies and the Knapp & Papermill Reserve 2009. Garth Lowe
p.14       Road verges – a large and valuable nature reserve or a wasted resource? John Partridge
pp.14-16 Invertebrates and road verge management. John Partridge
p. 17      Worcestershire’s spiders 2009. John Partridge
p. 17-18  Elephant hawkmoth larvae eating bogbean in garden pond. Wendy Johnson
p. 18      Tiphia femoralis in Worcestershire. Mike Bloxham
pp. 19-20 Aphelocheirus aestivalis, a caseless caddis and a couple of bivalves from the River Severn at Bewdley. Harry Green
p. 21      Harlequin ladybirds Harmonia axyridis in Worcestershire. Harry Green
p. 22      The times they are a’changin’ – bumblebees and wasps. Geoff Trevis
p. 22      Bumblebees and climate – winter records wanted. Geoff Trevis
p. 22-23 The Tree Bumblebee Bombus hypnorum. Geoff Trevis
p. 23      Andrena nigrospina. Geoff Trevis
pp. 24-25 Lemon slugs, Malacolimax tenellus. Rosemary Winnall
pp. 26-30 Fungi of the Malvern Hills. Sheila Spence
p. 30       The Girdled Snail Hygromia cinctellaHarry Green
pp. 31-32 The BTO Atlas of Breeding and Wintering birds 2007-2011. Harry Green
p. 32      Buzzard cleaning mud from talons. Steve Davies
p. 32      Atlas records for Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus along the Droitwich Canal. Steve Davies
pp. 32     Rook mimicking Greylag Goose. Paul Whitehead
pp. 33-34 Buzzard attacks man. Compiled by Harry Green
p. 34       Buzzard captures Magpie
p. 34       Big Buzzard Flocks
p. 34       Ravens nesting in Cedar of Lebanon trees
p. 35       Monitoring local Common Buzzard populations Mark & Christine Turner
pp. 36-37 Birds in Worcestershire May-October 2009. Gavin Peplow
pp. 37-42 Breeding waders in the Severn and Avon Valleys (Gloucestershire & Worcestershire) Summer 2009. Mike Smart
p. 42       Pictures from Shrawley Wood. Wendy Larmour
p. 43       Worcestershire Field Recording Days 2009
p. 43       Feckenham Flies: Feckenham Wylde Moor August 2009. Mick Blythe
pp. 44-56 Records from Field Recording Days 2009. Compiled by John Partridge & Simon Wood
pp. 57-59 Upper Hollowfield Farm plant records 30th May 2009. Bert Reid
pp. 59-61 Shrawley Wood plant records 4th July 2009. Bert Reid
pp. 61-63 Feckenham Wylde Moor plant records 1st August 2009. Bert Reid