Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.25 November 2008

p. 3        Editor’s notes Harry Green
p. 3        WBRC Manager’s Report. Simon Wood
p. 4        Election of Worcestershire Recorders Committee
p. 4        Field Recording Days 2009
p. 4        Worcestershire Recorders Accounts 2007
pp. 5-6    Notable records from the Worcestershire Recorders Committee. Geoff Trevis
p. 6        The fungus records of M C Clarke. John Partridge
p. 7         Bombus hypnorum found in Redditch. Gary Farmer
p. 7         Bush-crickets – Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, first sightings in 2008. Gary Farmer
p. 7         Bush-cricket invasion of Worcestershire 2008, a note. Harry Green
p. 8         What’s happening to Worcestershire’s only bog? Mike Averill
pp. 8-9     Black Darter Dragonfly at Hartlebury Common. Mike Averill
p. 10        Dragonfly round-up 2008. Mike Averill
p. 10        What do Buzzards eat?
p. 11        Pumpkins and hornets. Mike Southall
p. 11        Long-tailed Blue Lampides boeticus in Redditch. Mike Southall
pp. 12-14  Records of note 2008. Kevin McGee
p. 14        A nomad bee new to Worcestershire Nomada signata. Kevin McGee
pp. 15-17 Cryptocephalus sexpunctatus in Shrawley Wood, Worcestershire. Ross Piper
p. 17       The Lime Longhorn Stenostola ferrea in Shrawley wood. Ross Piper
pp. 18-19  Molluscs on Broadway Hill, Worcestershire. Harry Green
pp. 20-21  Deer and Woods. Harry Green
pp. 21-23  Coppice survey – some experiences from Grafton Wood. Wendy Johnson
pp. 23-24  Practical notes on the Grafton Wood deer damage survey and a quick method. John Tilt
p. 24        Worcestershire Mammal Atlas. Harry Green
p. 24        Albino hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus seen in Ashton-under-Hill. Harry Green
pp. 25-26  An old gypsy tale or the possible origin of ‘double trees’. Heather Rendall
p. 26        A dinosaur winks in Worcestershire. Heather Rendall
p. 26        Worcestershire’s Ancient Tree Project. Becky Lashley
p. 27        The Worcestershire Bryophyte Group. Ann Hill
p. 27        An Unusual find of the lichen Physica tenella. Graham Hill
pp. 28-30  Vascular Plant Records, Worcestershire, 2007. Bert Reid
p. 30        Discovery of Isolepis fluitans in the Wyre Forest, Worcestershire. John Bingham
p. 31        Kemerton Cuttings. John Clarke
p. 32        Glow-worm survey on Bredon Hill. John Clarke
p. 32        Spotted Flycatcher Project – Bredon Hill Villages 2008. John Clarke
p. 33        The BTO Atlas project. Harry Green
p. 34        Birds in Worcestershire November 2007 to April 2008. Gavin Peplow
p. 35        Birds in Worcestershire May to October 2008. Gavin Peplow
p. 35        Cranes at Hill Court Farm, Longdon Marsh
pp. 36-42  Notes on the birds of the Severn and Avon Vales April-June 2008. Mike Smart
p. 42        Worcestershire Recorders Field Recording Days 2008
p. 43        Hipton Hill, Vascular plants. Bert Reid
p. 43        Pound Green Common and Hurst Coppice, Vascular plants. Bert Reid
pp. 44-46  Records from Hipton Hill Orchard 7th June 2008
pp. 47-49  Diptera records from all recording days. Mick Blythe
p. 49        Recording Days: List of recorders
pp. 50-53  Records from Pound Green Common 5th July 2008
pp. 53-54  Records from Hurst Coppice 5th July 2008
pp. 55-58  Records from Hartlebury Common  2nd August 2008
pp. 59-60  Vascular plants records from Hipton Hill Orchard
pp. 60-62  Vascular plants records from Pound Green Common and Hurst Coppice
p. 63        Tail piece