Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.24 April 2008

p.3         WBRC Manager’s Report. Simon Wood
p.3         Worcestershire Entomology Day
p.4         BTO Bird Atlas 2007-2011 Harry Green
pp.5-6    The Worcestershire Ancient Tree Project Becky Lashley
pp.7-9    A survey of pollard trees in Wichenford parish. Jane Field
p.10       The invasion of Worcestershire by Roesel’s Bush-crickets Metrioptera roeselii and Long-winged Coneheads Conocephalus discolor in 2007. Harry Green
p.10       Faces in trees – picture by Denise Bingham
p.11       Odontaeus armiger (Scopali 1772) Coleoptera: Geotrupidae, at Astley Burf. Dave & Jane Scott
p.11       Seaside in Little Comberton or Erodium maritimum on a village driveway. Harry Green
p.12       Tortula amplexa, an ‘alien’ Bryophyte in VC37 Worcestershire. Ann Hill
pp.13-14 Toads crossing roads. Harry Green
p.15        Dragonfly sightings in Worcestershire 2007. Mike Averill
p.15        Interactive mapping. John Partridge
p.16        The national dragonfly atlas project 2008-2013. Mike Averill
p.17        Hawkwatch – Mark Turner’s new book
p.18        The Breeding Birds of the Malvern Hills – a new book by Ian Duncan
p.18        The Birds of Upton Warren – a new book celebrating 40 years as a reserve
p.19        The Kidderminster Sandlands fungus flora. John Bingham
p.20        Green Woodpeckers attacking bee hives. Mike Southall
p.21        A Mason Wasp Symmorphus conexus new to Worcestershire. Kevin McGee
p.21        A nomad bee Nomada ferruginata new to Worcestershire. Kevin McGee
p.22        A micro-moth Pamme trauniana new to Worcestershire. Kevin McGee
p.22        Look at the nippers on that!! Gary Farmer
p.22        Do we have any cockroaches in Worcestershire? John Partridge
p.22        You might enjoy reading…... John Partridge
pp.23-24 The habitat quality of Bow Brook, Defford, during the nineteenth century, based on molluscan evidence. P F Whitehead
pp.25-27 Mollusc and Ostrocod fauna from Hurcott Pool and its River Stour tributary feeder stream. P F Whitehead
pp.27-28 Conchological Society field meeting to Archenhills & Mill Coppice 13th October 2007. Rosemary Winnall
pp.28-29 News from the remote camera. Rosemary Winnall
p.30        Kemerton Cuttings. John Clarke
pp.31-33 The West Midlands butterfly transects 2007. John Tilt
pp.34-35 Leigh & Cradley Brook flood July 20th 2007. Garth Lowe
p.36       Floods 2007
pp.36-41 Notes on the birds of the Severn & Avon Vales July to September 2007. Mike Smart
pp.41-47 Notes on the birds of the Severn & Avon Vales October to December 2007. Mike Smart