Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.22 April 2007

pp. 3-4   Worcestershire’s Ancient Trees are £50,000 better off!
p. 4        Worcestershire Greatest Oak? Harry Green & John Tilt
p. 5        Worcestershire Recorders Committee Annual Report 2006-7. Geoff Trevis
p. 5        Worcestershire Biological Records Centre Annual Report 2006-7. Simon Wood
p. 7        Do you want more from your records? John Partridge
p. 7        Worcestershire Recorders Field recording days: notes to aid passing data to the WBRC
p. 8        Recording Worcestershire’s Breeding Birds – update. Patrick Taylor
p. 9        Birds in Worcestershire November 2006 to April 2007. Gavin Peplow
p. 9        Sparrowhawk sightings. Mike Southall
p. 10       Kemerton cuttings. John Clarke
p. 10       Intensely mimetic song of Blackcap at Beckford, Worcestershire. P F Whitehead
pp. 10-11 Late: inland record of Twite in Worcestershire. P F Whitehead
p. 11       Nesting proficiency and site selection determinants of wood pigeon breeding success. P F Whitehead
p. 11       Dunnock at suspended bird feeder. P F Whitehead
pp. 12-13 Worcestershire Mammal Atlas. Records. Records, Records! Harry Green
p. 14       Observations in the diet of polecats/polecat-ferrets in Evesham town, Worcestershire. P F Whitehead
p. 14       Silent Fields Comment on this new book documenting ‘pest’ control during last 100 years. Harry Green
pp. 16-19 The Dippers of Dowles Brook in the Wyre Forest. Michael Harrison
pp. 20-22 ‘There just might be something left you can measure’ Wendy Lamour
p. 22       A record of mistletoe leaf miner Celypha woodiana in VC37 Worcestershire. Robert Homan
pp. 23-24 More news from the wildlife CCTV cameras! Rosemary Winnall
p. 24       Day flying bat. Garth Lowe
p. 25       Worcestershire Brown Hairstreaks: an up-date. Mike Williams
p. 26       The Dotted Beefly Bombylius discolorHarry Green
p. 26       The Pied Shield bug Sehirus bicolorJohn Partridge
p. 27       Hymenoptera update. Geoff Trevis
pp. 27-28 Anthophora plumipes or the Hairy-footed Flower Bee. Geoff Trevis
pp. 28-29 Hornets in nest boxes. Compiled by Harry Green
p. 29       Over-wintering Hummingbird Hawk Moth in Worcestershire and the Midlands. Compiled by Harry Green
pp. 29-30 A summary of observations and events June to December 2006. Mark & Christine Turner
p. 31       2007: the year of the Harlequin in Worcestershire? Harry Green
p. 32       Have you seen the bathroom bushcricket? (aka the Oak Bushcricket). Gary Farmer
p. 33       Pear leaf gall caused by the rust fungus Gymnosporangium sabinae. Harry Green
p. 34       Pear rust. Roger Umpelby
p. 34       The Noble Chafer Gnorimus nobilis. Harry Green
p. 35       Mushrooms at Middle Littleton. Terry Knight
pp. 37-47 Checklist of VC37 Worcestershire Bryophytes. Ann Hill