Worcestershire Record Articles

Worcestershire Record No.10 April 2001

p.2    Worcestershire Record No 10 April 2001
p.2    Editorial
p.2    Annual meeting – 31st March 2001
p.3    Improving Biological Information Management Systems in Worcestershire Final Report Summary – March 2000
p.4    Development Plan for The Worcestershire Biological Records Centre
p.5    The BRC – Building an Effective Database
p.5    Training Courses
p.6    Desk Confinement and Databases. A Report from the BAP Manager
p.6    The New Worcestershire Mammal Survey
p.7    Calling All Cuckoos
p.7   Another Soldier Fly Record, Stratiomys potamida
p.7    Distribution and Status of Freshwater Fish Populations in the UK
p.8    Hedwigia ciliata var. ciliata, Fringed Hoar-moss on the Malvern Hills
p.8    Worcestershire Terrapins
p.8    Worcestershire Flora Project – Request for Volunteers
p.9    BTO Surveys
p.9    Merlin Falco columbarius in SE Worcestershire
p.10   Birds in Worcestershire – November 2000 to April 2001
p.11   What do Buzzards Eat?
p.11   Experimental Monitoring Project at Kemerton
p.12   Wintering Chiffchaffs, Phylloscopus collybita, and its sub-species, At Worcestershire Sewage Works
p.13   Wintering Gulls in Worcestershire
p.18   Looking for Bert the Gorilla Boettgerilla pallens
p.18   Have You Seen A Shelled Slug Called Testacella!
p.18   Dragonfly Round-up for 2000
p.19   Worcestershire Moth Report 2000
p.20   Social Wasps and Bumble Bees
p.21   The Jet Ant – Lasius fuliginosus
p.22   Worcestershire Natural Areas
p.32   Progress with the Worcestershire Flora Project
p.36   An Unwelcome Aquatic Invader!
p.38   List of Computerised Records Per Tetrad at 12th April 2001 for some Invertebrates.
p.42   Tetrading in SP05 15th April 2001
p.47    Wolves in Worcestershire